1. What does your client want?
Speak directly to your client and fill in the blanks...
2. Talk directly to your client's problem
Example: ”We need a professional architect at an affordable rate with great service"
Your client's external need is a physical, practical need that is driving them to seek or reach out to a service provider like Muse Architects”
Examples: ”I don't feel like handling the hassles associated with a building/construction project without the expertise of a qualified architect...." or
"We feel unsure of who to trust for the type of expertise and service we are looking for...."
Internal needs are all about feelings, what feelings (usually of some kind of frustration or uncertainty) would drive your clients to deciding that they need to source a service provider like Muse Architects?”
Philosophical needs go even deeper and are on a level of “how can your client make a difference to the world and feel better about themselves as overall contributors to society…” not always easy to answer but let’s see if we can come up with anything.
Perhaps it will have something to do with sustainability and ecological awareness when it comes to planning a new development? So by making use of the expertise of Muse Architects, you are helping to improve the environment or make sure your development is green. (For example)
3. The Value Proposition
Research shows that people spend 10-20 seconds on a website before navigating away. We have one chance.
Our website/profile header needs a clear value proposition: A clear and concise statement of what Muse Architects offers to potential clients.
Answer these questions:
Your value proposition helps your prospective clients understand what they get in exchange for giving you their money. It should be clear and visual.
Your potential client is asking you:
“If I’m your ideal customer, why should I use your services rather than someone else?”
4. Call to Action
What is your call to action?
Do you want the customer to: Call now? Book a consultation? What is the next step for them after visiting your website?
5. Be the Guide
Express empathy for the problems/challenges potential clients might be facing, while demonstrating credibility (or competency).
6. The Plan
This is your process plan on how your client can do business with Muse Architects.
1. Contact Us
2. Book a Consultation
3. Let us handle your project
7. The Stakes